Honesty: The hardest virtue to practice

Just a midnight thought I had about honesty.

Honesty: The hardest virtue to practice

Honesty is the hardest virtue to practice.

It requires you to say the truth.

And it is going to be hard if you don’t like that truth.

To make it easier to practice honesty, it requires you to be proud of the truth.


So I guess being honest in and of itself is not the hardest part of practicing honesty.

The hardest part is accepting the truths that you do not like.

These truths can be about you, about someone else, or about anything else.


If the truth is about you, then in order to be proud of the truth,

You must be something that you can be proud of.

And that is hard.


If the truth is about something else or someone else,

Then there is not much that you can do.

You can only accept them in order to make honesty easier to practice.


Honesty is not hard.

Accepting the truth is hard.

That’s why honesty is difficult to practice.

Copyright ©2023 by Marshall Vulta