How to deal with hot weather

Learn the dangers of dealing with hot weather and essential and effective trips for managing hot weather conditions.

How to deal with hot weather

Dangers of dealing with Hot Weather


High temperatures can lead to excessive sweating, causing the body to lose water rapidly, which may result to heatstroke symptoms.


Heatstroke is a medical emergency and can lead to organ damage or even death if not treated promptly.

Symptoms include:

  • a high body temperature (above 103°F/39.4°C);
  • confusion;
  • loss of consciousness; and
  • seizures.


Sunburn happens when the skin is burned due to being exposed to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays for a good amount of time.

Severe sunburn can lead to blistering, peeling, and an increased risk of skin cancer in the long term.

Mental Health

Ever felt frustrated of how hot it is that made you remove you shirt and want to take a bath? Yeah, high temperatures can also lead to irritability, lethargy, and other mental health problems.

5 Ways on How to Deal with Hot Weather

Drink more water

This is by far the most simples and most important solution when dealing with hot wearther. Drink more water.

Drink even more water if you consume caffeine or any other substance or drugs that makes you more dehydrated.

Dress appropriately

Avoid wearing tight and unbreathable clothing as it will increase the chances of you a getting heat rash, this is more true if it is a hot day. Wear loose breathable clothing instead.

The reason why you need to avoid wearing tight clothing on a hot day is because [tight clothing + sweat = greater chances of heat rash].

You can get away with wearing a hoodie, simply treat the hood like an umbrella. But do remove the hoodie from your person when you are indoors to avoid sweating as much, unless it is cold indoors.

Stay indoors

This one is a no-brainer. Stay indoors on a hot day whenever possible.

Be sure the room you stay indoors in has good insulation, otherwise, if the temperature if hot enough, you are more susceptible on experiencing heatstroke symptoms.

Don't go outside if possible. It's hot outside. While you're at it, might as well stay in a cool environment indoors that has good insulation.

Use sunscreen

If hot enough, you might experience sunburn. Sunscreen will help you prevent that and unwanted tanning.

Seak shade if possible

When outdoors, seek shade under trees, umbrellas, anything really, as long as it helps you avoid direct exposure to the sun.


It is very hot this time of year, stay safe and take care. And remember, drink lots of water to stay dehydrated. Even more water if you consume caffeine.

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