How to create the Perfect Plan and Execute it

How to create the Perfect Plan and Execute it

Planning by itself does not have to be complicated, but actually doing the plan requires a level of mental awareness to avoid irrational thoughts and actions and the desire to actually achieve the purpose of the plan.

In this blog post, we will be discussing the tactics on creating the plan itself and on making sure you actually do it.

Normal Way to Plan

Before we delve into the tactics on craeting the perfect plan, I will first show you how you normally plan goals.

Simple is often best. You don't need to make things complicated.

The normal way to plan:

  1. Define your goal
  2. Break the goal into chunks
  3. Think of ways to reach each chunks
  4. Search and ponder for alternative ways or goals (see if certain ways or goals can be replaced or made better)
  5. Repeat step 1 to 4 till satisfaction
  6. Monitor your progress and repeat step 4 if problems occur

Tactics on Creating the Perfect Plan

Plan backwards

Planning backwards instead of the traditional way of planing from the beginning gives you a different perspective on how to do achieve certain chunks of the goals.

It also makes sure you keep in mind the end goal

First envision your end goal, then imagine a scenario on what needs to happen to reach that end goal, then imagine another scenario to reach that scenario, and so on.

For example:

  • End goal: To lose 10kg of body fat.
  • How do we achieve this? Through proper diet and exercise.
  • How do we get proper diet and exercise? By not buying fastfoods or junkfoods and by going to the gym or working out at home.
  • How do we do that? By not going to places that tempts me to buy junkfoods and fastfoods. By either buying gym equipment and/or pass by the gym everyday to act as a constant reminder of my goal.

Some end goals and scenarios have multiple ways to achieve. It is up to you to decide what way you will pursue.

Keep your plan as simple as possible

Complicated plans, especially plans that relies on certain events actually happenning is susceptible to failure.

(Technically all plans are susceptible to failure, but complicated plans tend to fail more because they rely on specific events happening)

You are better off making your plan simple and easily changeable than complicated and dependent on certain events occuring or not occuring.

SWOT Analysis

The good ol SWOT Analysis. If you are unfamiliar with the acronym, it stands for Strengths, Weaknesses Oppurtunities, and Threats.

Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to your goals. This will give you a much clearer picture of the roadmap to your goal.

When strengths are identified, find ways or force situations that allows you to use them effectively.

When weaknesses and threats are identified, find ways to eliminate them or make them redundant.

When oppourtunities are identified, evaluate them whether they are worth investing in and find ways on how to seize them if they are worth investing.

Draw inspiration from others

When at a loss on what to do, you can find inspiration from others through books, real people, videos, etc.

One of my favorite and in my opinion, best tactic, is to draw inspiration from the old that may be cosidered to be the GOAT (greatest of all time) through books and a videos.

Tactics on Staying motivated to Execute your Plan

Creating a plan is one thing, but actually doing it is a whole other game.

While planning requires imagination and critical thinking, executing the plan requires grit and the willingness to go all the way.

Below, you will find a few tactics that will help you stay motivated so that you will actually complete the plan.

Turn your goal into a holy mission

The fastest way, and in my opinion, the most effective way to acquire grit and motivation is to view your goal as a holy mission.

See it as something virtuous and that God gave it to you so that you can do good and that it is your duty to do it.


If you are not religious, you can turn this plan of yours into some sort of crucade for something you worship or respect that is not God.

For example:

  • I will do this to bring honor to my family
  • I will do this for the prosperity of my group
  • I will do this in honor of [name of a person you care about]
  • I will do this to honor my beliefs (spiritual or ideological)
  • etc.

This way you won't have to worry about staying motivated.

Create a sense of loss

One of the ways to keep yourself motivated is to create a sense of loss aversion.

You can do this by:

  • Investing a lot of time and resources to the plan (it is harder for people to fold their hand if they invested enough time and money)
  • Imagine what you might missed out on if you don't do this
  • Imagine the dishonor or emberassment you will get when quitting
  • etc.


  • When things go wrong or according to plan, keep your cool. Don't overestimate or underestimate life's ability to screw your plan over. Ideally, it is preferable that you keep an unbiased spirit, see the situation as it is. Do not be blinded by emotions.
  • Do not let your enemies know if you are succeeding or failing. If your plan involves enemies, then hide your exitement or agony when certain events occur.
  • Adequate resources is important. There is no use of a plan if you don't have the workforce or/and resources to do it. Make sure you have adequate resources.
  • Keep in mind oppurtunity cost. Some campaigns are not worth investing. You must keep in mind the visible costs and hidden costs of pursuing this goal of yours. Ask yourself "What am I losing when pursuing this goal of mine?" and decide if it is worth it or not.

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