Positioning is everything - good positioning makes life easier

Positioning is more than just a strategy employed in warfare or martial arts; it's a mental stance, an emotional disposition, and a strategic approach to life.

Positioning is everything - good positioning makes life easier

What is Positioning?

Positioning can be defined as the ability to position oneself into an advantageos position.

It involves securing key locations and deploying forces in a way that maximizes their effectiveness while minimizing vulnerabilities.

How Positioning Makes Life Easier

Good positioning allows you to have an actual chance of winning against a greater force, while bad positioning makes you susceptible to losing against a weaker force.

Positioning yourself advantageously dramatically increases your likelihood of achievement.

Regardless of what your goal is, there is always a way to position yourself advantageously.

I give examples further down below this blog post.

Examples on how positioning helps in your everyday life

Want to succeed in befriending someone?

Position yourself in a way that makes the other person want to befriend you or at the very least get to know you.

Yes, attempting to befriend someone directly works well, but if you can get the other person attempting to befriend you instead, then half of your job is more or less complete.

Want to chop or saw wood as efficient as possible?

You can do that by either move the log or type of wood yourself in a better position where you can easily complete your task.

Want to lift something off the ground with minimal effort and maximum output?

Then position your hands or lifting equipment (like a forklift) on the object's center of mass is for minimal effort and maximum output.

Bad positioning of the hands of lifting equipment will cause the object to tilt and become unstable, making it more challenging to lift safely.

Want to complete a difficult or obnoxious task?

Position yourself in a way that you can't proceed on life or whatever you were currently doing or want to do without completing a certain task. Basically force yourself on completing the task.

A simple example of this would be if you wanted to lose body fat. In this case, you might set a condition for yourself: you must complete a minimum of a light to medium difficulty workout session before allowing yourself to eat a meal. Or something similar.

Want to succeed in business?

Position yourself in a way that consumers choose you instead of your competitors.

This can be done by making yourself more convenient to do dealings with (examples: available 24-7, easily accessible, etc.), offering better options (or at least appearing to have better options), providing social proof, and much more.

Want to win an exchange in boxing?

Position yourself in a way that your opponent is unable to hit you, but you can hit them. Alternatively, position yourself in a way that makes their punches ineffective while your punches hit clean.

You can achieve this by having better or equal footwork with the help of head movements, feints, proper blocking/parries, and plans to exit out of an exchange.

Want to bluff, semi-bluff, or go to showdown as cheaply as possible in poker?

Any of the actions mentioned above is much easier to do when you are in position (you get to decide last).


Whether we like it or not, conciously or unconciously, we are always positioning ourselves either to good or bad positions. The idea of good and bad positioning existing is inevitable, it exist, it's a law of nature.

Ignoring the idea of you or other people are always in pursuit to position themselves to be at a more advantageous from the rest of the competition is foolish as it will only blind you to an important aspect on how the world works, which makes you susceptible on being taking advantage of.

Not making effort to position yourself for the better is also a blunder, as it invites people taking advantage of your foolishness by making you fight battles on their own terms and conditions.

In conclusion...

The next time you are doing something, ask yourself this "How can I improve my position relating to the task at hand?".

Most of the time, there is always a way to improve your position.


Positioning does not only apply to areas where competition is present, it also applies on solo endeavours.

Examples of this would be lifting weights and studying or training.

In lifting weights, it is important to position your hands near the barbell's center of gravity as to make the lift as efficient and safe as possible.

In studying in any topic, a secluded location is most ideal as it minimize potential distractions. Choosing a location where internet is available is also preferable as it grants you access to information through the internet.

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