Top 7 Skills that are Worth Learning 2024

Skills that are Worth Learning
Microsoft Excel or other Spreadsheet Softwares
Microsoft Excel, as you may already know, is a spreadsheet software that is widely used in various industries, professions, and personal projects.
Learning MS Excel can:
- Provide several kinds of visual aids for any kind of data.
- Compute data, which will remove repetitive calculations from your workflow.
- Allow you to do a scenario analysis (what-ifs scenarios) by tweaking data.
- And much more.
As mentioned before, proficiency in MS Excel and other spreadsheet softwares is considered to be a very valuable skill to industries. Being proficient at using MS Excel will not only improve your workflow, but also open-up more job opportunities.
Mircosoft Excel is unlikely to ever go out of date. Even if clones of MS Excel are invented or there are currently existing clones that are considered better, your skills and experience in MS Excel will carry over.
The skill to be learned is not writing itself but the process of writing. This is because the act of writing has the same process on the act of thinking.
Learning how to write better then, is the same as learning how to think better, how to better organize and create your thoughts.
What do I mean by that?
When you write, you often need to structure your thoughts coherently, consider the logical flow of ideas, and choose appropriate words to convey meaning effectively.
The same process can be said when we are thinking. Writing and thinking are essentially the same thing. The only difference is that the former is in a written form, while the latter is within the mind.
By practicing to be a better writer, you are indirectly practicing in becoming a better thinker.
Canva or other graphic designer platform
If you have any plans on establishing a business or a social media presence, Canva and other graphic designer platforms are your friends.
Canva and other graphic designer platform can help you establish your social media presence by:
- Create infographics;
- Create your Logo, Avatar, Profile Header, etc;
- Create thumbnails, blog post images, featured images, etc;
- Basically anything that involves with creating visually appealing graphics.
Why learn Canva over other graphic designer platforms?
- Beginner-friendly (intuitive interface);
- Has its own library of quality graphic and photo elements;
- Allows you to easily resize existing projects;
- Allows other users to work together with you on your/their designs;
- Has functions like background remover, magic write, magic erase, magic grab, magic edit, and much more.
The reason why I favor Canva than any other graphic designer platform is because it is intuitive to use (very beginner-friendly). You don't need to be a graphic designer pro or a computer whiz to understand what any of the interface means.
Python, C++, and other programming languages
With Python and maybe with other programming languages, you can automate repitative tasks with the help of downloadable modules and packages from the internet (specifically github or other trustworthy sources).
Of course, if your tasks are only few in numbers and simple in nature, you are better off using MS Excel. MS Excel has Functions and Macros that you can use to automate repitative tasks.
Other than being good at tasks related to data science, learning Python as your first programming language is also something I recommend because its syntax (basically the rules on how code is structured) is very easily understood; in other words, it is beginner-friendly.
The reason for why I favor Python over any other programming languages is due to its simplicity (especially with the help of downloadable modules an packages) and readability.
General Home Repair
Of course, getting a professional to fix your appliances or anything broken in the household is always preferable to doing it yourself (unless you are a professional yourself), but it is a good skill to learn.
Aside from being able to save money on repair costs, learning how to do general home repair will also help you in emergency situations like a water leak, electrical problems, and other safety hazards related to home repair.
Here is a webpage that I found useful, as its title suggest, it talks about the types of home repairs that you can do by your own without the help of a professional (again, getting professional aid is always preferable).

Basic First Aid
This is important especially if you have plans on hanging out with a group of friends or family. Unexpected things happen, and if something bad does happen, you need to make sure at least one of the group have basic first aid, it might either save a life or lessen the damage.
This skill involves of treating cuts, lacerations, burns, possible infections, etc., with or without the use of basic medical equipment and supplies
It also involves knowing how to administer CPR, to do the Heimlich maneuver (or other similar techniques), etc.

Swimming is incredibly important to learn if you have any plans on being on a boat or in a place where there is a risk of falling on bodies of water. This skill can be crucial in helping oneself or others during emergencies.
Plus, swimming is an excellent form of exercise that engages multiple muscle groups. It is a low-impact activity, making it suitable for individuals of various ages and fitness levels.
So if you haven't already learned how to swim, go practice swimming.
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