The difference between a strong and weak man

Do you know what is the difference between a weak man and a strong man? In this Article, we will be discussing what it means to be strong and what it means to be weak.

The difference between a strong and weak man

What does it mean to be a Strong Man?

What is a Strong man?

a strong man refers to a person who has the capabilities to endorse and uphold his virtue.

In a literal sense, a strong man is someone who possesses exceptional physical strength.

In a more metaphorical sense, being strong refers to the ability to persevere and dominate in the face of adversity.

The following are the qualities of a strong man:

  • Able to adapt to changing circumstances;
  • Able to perform demanding physical tasks if need be;
  • Able to provide for himself and others;
  • Has the ability to persevere and maintain focus in stressful situations, and make tough decisions;
  • A clear sense of purpose and direction; And
  • The ability to remain calm and focused under pressure.

What does it mean to be a Weak Man?

What is a Weak man?

To put it simply, a weak man refers to a person who is too weak to carry out and uphold virtuous acts.

With the term weak man defined, it is easy to see what the problem is if the vast majority are full of weaklings.

Vile and detestable acts are more common in a community if its inhabitants are weak. It is very tragic to see the next generation of man to be feebleminded and unable to provide for himself.

Why is it important to be a Strong Man?

In today’s world, where virtue signaling and the emasculation of the old virtues of man is the norm, we have created a generation of folks who expects everything to be provided to them without sacrifice.

This type of culture will only derail humanity’s progression. Communities who upholds this type of culture will experience a higher rate and degree of crimes committed.

Virtue is the main reason why being strong is important, you can not uphold virtue without strength.

The strong man finds it easier to practice virtue because he is self-reliant; The weak man is tempted to do vices because his desires are not met. Virtue is simply not possible without strength.

Being strong is not the same as being powerful

Before we continue on, I'd like to clarify that being powerful is not the same as being strong.

What do I mean by that?

Real Strength is the ability to uphold your values not bending it for superficial and shallow rewards.

Being weak makes people attracted to degenerate activities because it is the easy way out, it rewards them the illusion of being in power and possessing strength.

In short, people who are weak are more likely to cheat, corrupt, and be cruel and unfortunately, they are rewarded power for it, at a price of their degeneration of their soul and a lifetime of enemies.

How do you become strong?

Accept Responsibility

The fastest way to become strong is to accept responsibility. It doesn't matter what form it takes, it can be the responsibility of being a Father, a son, a teacher, a boxer, a soldier, etc.

You will naturally become more efficient and usually stronger and wiser in your field. It will give you a sense of purpose and the necesarry self-confidence to presevere through any obstacles.

Why was this needed to say?

Because I don't consider the act of taking responsibility of your own actions common sense anymore.

There are too many people who are not in touch with their own identity that they don't even know how to start being their best selves.

Take responsibility of your own identity. You already know what first steps you need to take.

Love Wisdom

Life is not something to be trifled with, she is inherently cruel and ruthless to fools, there is only one thing that can appease her...and that is Wisdom himself.

Wisdom equips us the necessary arsenals to go against life’s challenges.

Life’s challenges can be in a form of, but not limited to:

  • Betrayal;
  • Physical Danger;
  • Lack of Resources;
  • Societal Problems;
  • Relationship Problems; And
  • Health Problems

There are a multitude of ways where one can acquire wisdom, they are, but not limited to:

  • Books of old / Books of proverbs: These refers to books with the intention of retaining and passing of wisdom to the generation it was originally created and to the later generations.
  • Mentor / Sifu / Consigliere: These types of people are called many names in many cultures, but they all have one goal, to teach, to advice, and to give insights on what is the “right way” of doing things.
  • Stories of old: This can be in a form of a physical copy or in a verbal form, it can either be fiction or non-fiction, either way, the stories refer is usually referring to a real person’s experience.
  • Own Experience: Wisdom can also be earned through one’s experience of failure or success.

You cannot escape Wisdom even if you are actively avoiding him, Life will remind you of Wisdom’s existence through your failures.

Be a truth seeker, be a philosopher, be a lover of wisdom—it does not matter, as long as you pursue wisdom in your own way, you will be readily equipped for the difficulties life will throw at you.

When you cannot be deceived by men you will have realized the wisdom of strategy. – From the Book of Five Rings, Musashi Miyamoto

Put lessons into actions

Experiencing both failure and success, being mentored, and acquiring materials such as books, videos, and courses, does not guarantee wisdom.

One must apply the lessons learned into actions for it to be considered wisdom. Lessons that are not applied into actions are simply baseless knowledge, it is of no use.

Here are some practical tips on how to put lessons into action:

  • Reflect on the lesson: Take some time to think about the lesson you have learned and how it applies to your goals.
  • Stay Accountable: In case of a loss of motivation, first thing to do is rest, once well-rested, reexamine your motivation for pursuing your goal.
  • Wage war against ignorance: By declaring war against foolishness and ignorance, we instill purpose and drive to eradicate foolish behaviors in ourselves and others. We are taking advantage of the “us vs them” psychology phenomenon.

Engage in physical and creative activities

Why engage in physical and creative activities?

Because the mind and the body are connected; when one falters the other one does too.

Let me clarify…

IF our emotional state is filled with stress or uneasiness, the body responses with an increased in heart rate, sweating, and shallow breathing, which can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and digestive issues.

IF our emotional state is filled with despair and sorrow, the body experiences fatigue like symptoms, such as: weariness slowed responses, reduced appetite and sometimes, insomnia.

IF we are sleep deprived, we will experience a decreased of mental clarity.

IF we consume certain substances such as: Coffee, Alcohol, Nicotine, and other drugs leads to changes in mood, behavior, and level in cognitive function.

As you can see, the mind-body connection is real, so if we desire to improve our physical or mental aspects, we must not neglect either one of them, it is impossible to do so even.

Examples of Physical Activities:

  • Running or Jogging: Not only is it very good for cardiovascular endurance, it also gives you an increased in mental clarity, you can experience this once you feel the “runner’s high”.
  • Weightlifting: It is an excellent activity for improving one’s muscle mass and bone density.
  • Hiking: Similar to Running and Jogging, it is a good activity to increase one’s cardiovascular fitness and gain mental clarity by letting your mind wander or focus on a task.
  • Other sports: Participating in sports such as soccer, basketball, or volleyball can improve cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength and endurance, and improve coordination and teamwork skills.

Examples of Creative Activities

  • Drawing and painting: Drawing and painting are ways to express yourself visually and can be a great outlet for creativity.
  • Writing: Writing can be a form of creative self-expression, whether it's through poetry, fiction, or journaling.
  • Music: Playing an instrument or singing can be a creative outlet for self-expression and can provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Crafting: Activities such as knitting, sewing, or woodworking can be a creative way to make something with your hands.

Partake in virtuous endeavors

In the same vein that physical and creative activities improve the body and mind, virtuous actions improves the soul.

The opposite is also true; as idleness and the disregard of physical and creative activities deteriorates the body and mind, vices and immoral activities depraves the soul.

Before we continue, we must first define what “soul” means in this context and its importance.

Soul is the embodiment of one’s past achievements, the greater the past achievements, the greater the soul is, the less, the less.

The soul can refer to the level of one’s fulfillment in life.

Though there are different concepts of the soul in religion and philosophy, this definition, in my opinion, works best for this discussion.

The Soul is important because it reveals and influences how a man acts and how he is perceived by others and himself.

Now, I could keep going and discuss the importance of the soul, instead, I will be creating a separate blog post regarding the topic because I don’t want to go off topic any further than this.

As mentioned above, engaging in virtuous activities strengthens the soul.

*For more information regarding my definition of the soul, click here.

What is the self? The Different Perspectives of the Self | Vulta Blog
What is the self? This article consists of the perspectives of philosophers and psychologists regarding the self, as well as my own.

Examples of Virtuous Actions and Activities:

  • Community service: It refers to the act of volunteering one's time and skills to serve and improve the community.
  • Acts of kindness: Doing something kind for someone else, such as helping a neighbor with their groceries or volunteering at a local charity.
  • Standing up against evil: Standing up for what you believe is right, even in the face of adversity or opposition.
  • Forgiveness: The ultimate form of goodness, forgiveness, it is the act of letting go of anger and resentment towards others who have wronged us and choosing to forgive them instead.

How do you avoid being weak?

Hone Discipline

Discipline is not something to be taken lightly. It is a fundamental aspect of strength, power, and success.

Without discipline, you will never achieve greatness, for it is the foundation upon which all else is built.

In simple terms, Discipline can be defined as the willingness to put in the work, day in and day out, without faltering or succumbing to procrastination.

Discipline can also refer to faithfully following a particular code or a set of rules.

What is the goal of discipline?

The goal of disciplinary actions is to eliminate unwanted behaviors and for you to be as efficient as possible.

How do you develop discipline?

  1. Set clear goals;
  2. Create a routine / Create a set of rules; And
  3. Be faithful to your code.

Discipline can be seen as a negative or restrictive concept to some, particularly if it is enforced through punishment or control, and they are right.

Discipline is restrictive in nature, it is designed to be, because its goal is to ensure you are making progress be as efficient as you possibly can.

The path to discipline is not an easy one. It requires a deep understanding of oneself, an unwavering commitment to one's goals, and the ability to push through pain and hardship.

Do nothing that is of no use

In today's world, we are constantly surrounded by distractions that keep us from achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life.

From social media notifications to work-related tasks, we often find ourselves engaged in activities that have no real value or purpose.

Disregard everything that does not help you achieve your goals.

To illustrate:

Imagine your routine for daily life, you got it?

Count how many hours you have unknowingly wasted every single day.

Does this amount make you happy?

Now imagine discarding the unnecessary activities that you are doing.

Is your life not better this way?

Next time you are engaging a recreational activity, please ask yourself whether there is another activity that is worth more doing.

People tend to underestimate the consequences of their lack of action.

Do not think dishonestly

People tend to lie to themselves without them even knowing.

What do you mean by “do not think dishonestly”?

Thinking dishonestly refers to one’s biases and the inability to be honest in one’s thinking.

Thinking dishonestly comes in many forms, which includes, but not limited to:

  • Confirmation Bias;
  • Self-Deception;
  • Not being honest to themselves when it comes to their feelings; And
  • Justifying actions or beliefs that they themselves believes to be not ethical.

How to not think dishonestly:

  • Be aware of your biases. By simply being aware of what biases you have, you will spend more time contemplating whether your thinking is flawed or not.
  • Question Assumptions. Don't take your assumptions for granted. Look for evidence to support your thinking.
  • Be willing to consider alternative viewpoints. When you are open to other perspectives, you are more likely to make well-informed decisions.

Engaging in dishonest thoughts will inevitably lead to dishonest actions, which refers to carrying out actions that goes against one’s virtues.

See the World as it is

Too many people find it hard to believe that a certain part of a world, or a group, or an individual is the way they are.

Certain parts of the world simply have a different a geography, history, culture, beliefs, and tradition than another part of the world; The same can be said when it comes to individuals living within your community.

People are shaped through their environment, their personal past, culture that they were exposed in, their own beliefs, and tradition if they had one.

By seeing the world as it is, we can begin to see the world more objectively and develop a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Final Words

Deep down, we already know what is required of us to be great; we however tend to ignore it because, in doing so, we have to come face-to-face with our true selves, and if the self is not strong, we will feel ashamed of it and find it hard to look at it, thus making it impossible to improve oneself.

One must first accept his shortcomings in order to improve himself.

These are just guidelines, so feel free to modify them as you see fit; And please know that it's okay if you don't follow them exactly, as long as you're making progress towards your goals.

Copyright ©2023 by Marshall Vulta