Why Can Christians Eat Pork?

Why do Christians eat Pork?
The first thing we need to do to be able to answer the question, 'Why do Christians eat pork?' is to look at the Old Testament, specifically Jewish practices.
In the Old Testament, specifically Leviticus 11:7-8 and Deuteronomy 14:8, it explains that there are animals/meat that are forbidden to eat (including pigs/pork) because they considered unclean.
The pig is also unclean; although it has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.- Deuteronomy 14:8 (NIV)
And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.- Leviticus 11:7-8 (NIV)
What Animals Were Forbidden to Eat in the Old Testament?
In the Old Testament, any animals that hold these characteristics are considered unclean:
- Any animal that does not have a split hoof and does not chew the cud, such as pigs, camels, and rabbits (Leviticus 11:4-8, Deuteronomy 14:7-8)
- Any seafood that does not have fins and scales, such as shellfish and eels (Leviticus 11:10-12, Deuteronomy 14:9-10)
- Any bird of prey, such as vultures, eagles, and owls (Leviticus 11:13-19, Deuteronomy 14:11-18)
- Any carnivorous or scavenging animals, such as dogs, cats, and rats (Leviticus 11:27, Leviticus 11:29-30)
So how come Christians eat pork when it clearly stated in the old testament that pigs are unclean creatures and have been adviced to not eat them?
4 Reasons Why Christians Are Able To Eat Pork
1. Jesus Declared All Foods Clean
Well, we can find the answer in Mark 7:18-19, Jesus stated that food does not make a person spiritually unclean, but rather, what comes from the heart does. The passage concludes with, “Thus He declared all foods clean.”
“Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?- Mark 7:18 (NIV)
For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)- Mark 7:19 (NIV)
Then why did God prohibit the consumption of pork in the first place?
It isn't stated in scripture, but it is speculated that the practice of refraining from eating pork was for the people's health, spiritually, consuming pork does nothing.
This speculation is supported by many verses from the Old and New Testaments, like:
Mark 7:18-19, where Jesus declares that food does not defile a person, but rather what comes from the heart.
Acts 10:9-16 also reinforces this idea when Peter receives a vision from God declaring all foods clean.
Colossians 2:16 and Romans 14:1-3 emphasize that believers should not be judged based on what they eat, as dietary restrictions are no longer required under the new covenant.
Of course there are some Christian denominations that still follow and practice refraining oneself to eat pork. An example is Seventh-day Adventists.
2. Peter’s Vision on Acts 10:9-16
In Acts 10:9-16, it is stated that the apostle Peter had a vision in which God presented unclean animals (including pork) and told him to “kill and eat.”
About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray.- Acts 10:9 (NIV)
He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.- Acts 10:10 (NIV)
He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.- Acts 10:11 (NIV)
It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds.- Acts 10:12 (NIV)
Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”- Acts 10:13 (NIV)
“Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”- Acts 10:14 (NIV)
The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”- Acts 10:15 (NIV)
This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.- Acts 10:16 (NIV)
This vision was meant to show that God welcomes non-Jews (Gentiles) into His people. But it also supports what Jesus said in Mark 7:19 .
3. Paul’s Teachings on Food
Paul, in Romans 14:1-3 and 1 Timothy 4:4, emphasized that all food is acceptable as long as it is received with thanksgiving. He discouraged judging others based on what they eat.
Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.- Romans 14:1 (NIV)
One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.- Romans 14:2 (NIV)
The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them.- Romans 14:3 (NIV)
For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,- 1 Timothy 4:4 (NIV)
How do we know Romans, Timothy, and Galatians were written by Paul?
We know that Paul wrote Romans, Timothy, and Galatians because the letters themselves explicitly state him as the author.
In Romans, the letter explicitly states Paul as the author:
"Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God..." (Romans 1:1)
In 1 & 2 Timothy, both letters also start with Paul identifying himself as the author:
"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope." (1 Timothy 1:1)
"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 1:1)
"Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead." (Galatians 1:1)
4. Christianity’s Break from Jewish Law
Unlike Judaism, Christianity does not require dietary restrictions as part of salvation or holiness because Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law, making food restrictions no longer necessary.
Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.- Romans 10:4 (NIV)
So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.- Galatians 3:24-25 (NIV)
Final Words
Had a lot of fun writing this. I started because I was curious about why Christians can eat pork despite the Old Testament clearly saying pigs (and other animals) are forbidden to eat.
Not sure what came over me, but researching all this made me want to learn more about Christianity. Out of curiosity, I’ll be reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so maybe expect some future blog posts about that.
Copyright ©2025 by Marshall Vulta
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